1.2. Create a theme

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a theme for LFC.

You can download the whole theme here.

1.2.1. Preparations

First you have to create a new Django application. This is beyond the purpose of this tutorial and you should refer to Django’s excellent tutorial if you want to learn more.

Add a templates folder and within that add a lfc folder.

In short, your starting file structure should look like this:


1.2.2. Registration

Register mytheme to Django’s template engine.

  1. Move the mytheme folder to the PYTHONPATH.

    The easiest way to do that is to put it into the lfc_project folder of the buildout.

  2. Register the theme

    Add mytheme to INSTALLED_APPS before lfc_theme:


1.2.3. Copy templates

Now copy the templates you want to change into the lfc folder of mytheme and adapt them to your needs.

Important: you have to keep the original path, e.g: base.html must be within the root of the lfc folder whereas navigation_portlet.html must be within the portlets folder:


1.2.4. Use own CSS

To use own CSS several steps are neccessary (this is going to be improved a lot for future versions).

  1. Create a “static” folder within mytheme:

  2. Within that create a new CSS-file, e.g. mytheme.css and add your CSS rules, e.g.:

    h1.logo a {
        color: #E5AB52 !important;

    Alternatively you might copy lfc.css from lfc_theme and adapt it to your needs.

  3. Go to the lfc_project/media folder and create a symbolic link to the static folder:

    $ ln -s <path/to/buildout>/lfc_project/mytheme/static mytheme
  4. Copy base.html to mytheme/templates/lfc (if you haven’t done it so far)

  5. Include your CSS file to the header:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}mytheme/mytheme.css">
  6. Optionally delete the link to lfc.css (if you just want to use your own CSS).